Willkommensbonus Tipico • Zahle 100 € ein erhalte 100 € Bonus
Kann mir jemand erklären warum ich nach nur wenigen Wetten auf Tipico ein Limit von 10€ pro Wettschein habe?
Hast vll unbekannte Ligen gespielt oder surebets
Ah ok. Was bedeutet das genau und kann ich was dagegen machen?
@jannebue Keine 3te Liga Bulgarien beispielswese spielen und Surebets einfach nicht so oft machen
@Iliya-Moskov Hi, I am having trouble understanding the Tipico Deposit €100 get €100 Bonus. I deposited €100 and got €100 bonus. Sorry I'm not sure how to post a screenshot on here. I am doing Back-Lay.
I followed the Rollover guide and placed a €200 bet at Tipico. The bet has to be of odds 1.5 and above. On the rollover calculator in the Oddsmatcher I had:
Bonus: 100
Real Money: 100
Remaining Rollover: 600
Future Rating: 95%
Tipico Odds: 3.7
Tax: 0.00%Lay Odds: 3.8
Lay Tax: 0.00% (I use Smarkets and get 0% commission)The Calculator told me to lay €189.47 (Liability €530.52)
I would earn +€89.47
My bet won at the bookmaker. So now I have to rollover €500. Do I still have to use the rollover calculator, or can I just use the normal Real Money option on the oddsmatcher?
I have found a bet with odds of 2.45 at the bookmaker and 2.40 at the exchange. I just want to check if this is correct. Do I need my rating to be higher than 95%?
On Rating, I select Rollover.
Real: 100
Bonus: 0
Remaining Rollovers: 500
Future Rating 95%
Tipico: 2.45
Tipico Tax: 0.00%Lay: 2.40
Lay Tax: 0.00%Lay Bet €96.36 (Liability €134.90)
I will earn -€9.90 off this rollover bet.
After this bet I would need to place €400 more in bets to complete the Rollover.
Have I done everything correct? Because when I open up a new oddsmatcher and just look to do a bet with real money I get different results.
If I do Real Money Calculator, 100 Real Money, Tipico Odds: 2.45 Tipico Tak 0.00% Exchange odds 2.40, Exchange Tax0.00% Rating 95% - I only have to lay €102.08 and I earn €+2.08.
Can I not do this, or do I have to use the Rollover Calculator? I don't understand why?
@Rammybo82 You should use Echtgeldmode only to chose the bets:
This is the one as you explained:
Everything looks perfect.
Then you switch to Rollover. You put not 100 but 500 OR you divide the bet in 5x100 which also divides the rest rollover at 5 so it is also 100 like this:
The part I have circled is NOT important, it doesn't matter what you see there. -9 +2 not relevant. -
@Iliya-Moskov Ok sorry I am getting confused.
So, after I deposit €100 and get €100 bonus, I tick the Rollover option and do the first bet. I use the Rollover for this?
After that first bet is finished, I then have to do 5 x 100 bets, or 1 x 500 bet - and these bets have to be Echtgeld? Or do all these bets have to Rollover as well?
@Rammybo82 All bets thereafter are also played in rollover mode.
In real money mode you only check the rating of the bet.
@zombie035 Ok, yes, I thought all bets would be in Rollover mode.
So, I check in Real Money mode that the rating is above 95% and if it is above 95%, I will then select that bet, put it into Rollover mode to work out how much to Lay. That is correct?
Yes, but the bet should also be searched in rollover mode (but should be clear) -
zombie035 (It should be clear)? What does that mean?
Ok I will just search for the bet in Rollover mode and do everything in Rollover mode. Thanks for your help
@zombie035 (It should be clear)? What does that mean?
Ok I will just search for the bet in Rollover mode and do everything in Rollover mode. Thanks for your help
@Rammybo82 He means you should search for the bet in Rollovermode then switch to real money only for a bit when you open the calculator to real money to check the rating and than go back to rollover before placing the bet.
@Iliya-Moskov ok thank you
Hab hier leider bei Tipico gewonnen.
Die nehmen jetzt seit ca nem Monat meinen Gewinn als Geisel (über 800€) weil die meine Verifizierung in die Länge ziehen und mich nicht auszahlen lassen. -
Hallo Zusammen!
Ich habe eine kleine Verständnisfrage zu dem Tipico Rollover.Ich habe 100€ eingezahlt und 100€ Bonus erhalten --> 200€ Wette auf Tipico gesetzt. Lay-Wette als Gegenpart gesetzt.
Die Tipico Wette hat gewonnen. Mit einem Faktor von 3,30 habe ich jetzt 660€ auf meinem Tipico Account.Wenn ich unter den Bonusbedingungen schaue habe ich einen Verbliebenen Rollover von 900€.
Das heißt nur meine Echtgeldeinzahlung wird den Rollover verringern oder?In meiner nächsten Wette kann ich 660€ setzen und mein Rollover wird davon 330€ geringer richtig? (Weil 50% des Gewinns von meinen eingezahlten Geld kommen)
Verstehe ich das richtig?
bin noch relativ neu
Vielen Dank für die Hilfe im Voraus!
@oliverp21 Wenn Du 660€ setzt werden auch 900-660=240€ verbleiben.
kleine Änderung Mindestquote von TIPICO 2.0
@madmarc2000 Haben wir sofort aktualisiert. Danke fürs melden!
Tipico bezieht mittlerweile eine Gebühr
50€: 100% = 0,5€(1%)
also ca. 5,04% Steuer/Gebühr für 2,52€.
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